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Good leadership - Does your leader have the tools needed?

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:32:20 PM

If you're building a house or managing a department, you need customized tools to succeed in your job. 

Written by: Hege Susanne Rognlien

Management is a subject on an equal footing with other disciplines. It has a purpose, practice and methodology. Based on experience, research and testing of various methods, good and well-functioning management tools have been developed over the years, which should be learned and used when performing management.

It's not uncommon for highly competent, skilled professionals to be asked at some point in their career to take on management responsibilities. However, just as an excellent carpenter is not qualified to lay water pipes or install fuse boxes, so the subject matter experts will not necessarily be qualified to manage the technical department. This will often require a professional refresher course or renewed knowledge of management.

The first 90 days are crucial to success

Michael Watkins' book "First 90 Days" describes the challenge very precisely. Many managers are neither aware of, nor trained to carry out a leadership transition process. This means that many new leaders are left without the right tools to succeed in their new roles.

An organization that changes leaders doesn't put operations, projects or other tasks on hold while a new leader has time to get oriented and get to know the company. A new leader, whether you're a first-time leader or experiencing a change in leadership, needs to be a leader from day one.

This means that there are a number of new people, relationships, roles, unresolved boundaries, conflicts and arenas that the manager must deal with from day one at work. The time it takes to get up and running is often referred to as the "break even point", i.e. the point at which the value you create equals the value you consume (see figure).

Read also: How to ensure your management team is well-functioning and effective.

The right tools and methodology to achieve good leadership

Mats Kristensen, CEO of Front Leadership, has long seen that many managers are not equipped with the right tools to do the job they have been hired to do. He emphasizes that the first time as a new manager is crucial for later success.

You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression. That's why your first time as a new manager is crucial to your future success. How your employees perceive you and the impression they leave with about your leadership skills will carry over into future work. The good news is that there are good methodologies for solving many of these challenges, much of which can be learned through a systematic approach.

Onboarding program in management

The programme emphasizes preparation, clarification of expectations, mobilization for learning, networking and a tactical approach to the new role. Participation in the onboarding program should therefore be as close as possible to the start of the new role.

Such a program is mostly conducted in the individual manager's workday, which makes the training effective and valuable for both the individual manager and the organization, in addition to building networks and the opportunity to collaborate with other managers in the same situation.

With effective training in the start-up phase, you will reach the "break-even point" 2-3 months faster than without training. We therefore recommend investing in a digital onboarding program so that new managers are equipped with the best possible tools to succeed.