Interview about leadership - Line Meland - FRONT Leadership

Get better acquainted with
Stine Melfald

Leadership and organizational developer in FRONT Leadership

Through her clear and inclusive leadership style, she is passionate about the personal development of managers and employees by building relationships and creating a positive and generous work culture.

25.10.2021 Written by Janne Vibeke Rosenberg

What makes a good leader?

What characterizes a good manager for me is someone who spends time with their employees and focuses on building relationships. A good manager sees their employees, gives regular feedback on their performance and encourages independent thinking and development in their role. A good manager understands that it's not about performing all tasks themselves, but building solid and self-driven teams through inclusion and delegation.

What is your strength as a leadership developer?

The ability to see people, their strengths and potential for improvement. It's about building relationships by asking questions and listening. You must be able to understand the needs of each individual and work together to change, develop or enhance their leadership potential.

What is the most enjoyable part of leadership training?

My favorite thing about leadership training is being able to take part in the personal development of the people I work with, seeing the joy and confidence that comes from development and achieving their leadership potential.

What motivates you most about leadership development?

When I work with managers who actively spend time reflecting on their own leadership and practice changing, developing or strengthening their leadership skills so that they achieve results and realize their leadership potential. Working with talented leaders who are still hungry for personal development and constantly want to move forward motivates me to continue my efforts as a leadership developer!

What benefits would you highlight about FRONT Leadership's leadership programs?

After many years as both a manager and a leadership developer, I have learned that what gives the best results is regular professional development and training over time. The leadership programs in FRONT focus precisely on this: regular meetings for professional refreshment and discussions with managers who face the same challenges, concrete and relevant leadership challenges that you practice between each meeting, and time for reflection and feedback on performance along the way.

Why should companies invest in leadership development?

All managers need professional development in their role to develop their leadership and move forward, this applies to both new and experienced managers. It is the company's responsibility to ensure that their leaders are equipped to face all the daily challenges and changes that may come, and leadership development is an important part of investing in the future. It's about taking care of your leaders and making sure they have the tools they need to build solid teams of engaged and motivated employees who work together to achieve common goals.

Leadership developer in FRONT Leadership

25 years of experience from the retail industry, over 15 years of leadership experience from operational management and over ten years of experience in leadership and organizational development in an international matrix organization. Strong focus on developing leaders and implementing courses and strategic tools.

Teaches the following leadership programs:

  • Talent program
  • Experienced manager
  • Leader's leader

Top 5 qualifications:

  • Leadership and organizational development
  • Change management
  • Project management
  • Development and implementation of leadership programs
  • Course and speaker

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