Leadership development in the future

Leadership development in the future

We know that most companies are already practicing leadership development to varying degrees and in different forms. 100 percent of companies in a new market survey published by FRONT Leadership said they had invested in leadership development during 2022.

But what actually works? And what does leadership development look like in the future?

By Marte Aasmundsen

Leadership is more important and more demanding than before

Management has become more difficult. With increased diversity comes increased responsibility, and a leader today often manages employees of different genders, ages, religions, cultures and languages. The leader of the future also practices in a new technology landscape and often has to answer for sustainability and environmental considerations. This makes leadership not only more difficult, but also more important than before. Nearly 9 out of 10 businesses in the survey believe that leadership will become even more essential to business performance in the years to come.

Unfortunately, not all managers are able to keep up and adapt. This can have major consequences for the business. For example, previous studies show that this is often the case when it comes to presentations and the number of sick days in an organization. When we know that poor leadership is also the reason why people leave their jobs, it is perhaps not surprising that the survey revealed that there is too little leadership development in relation to the need. 4 out of 5 respondents who worked in companies with 500+ employees believe that they would benefit greatly from spending more time and resources on leadership development than they do today.

An important reason why most of the companies in the survey want more leadership development than they actually have is that a large majority of them are facing challenges today - because of leadership.


Read also: Leadership development increases psychological safety

Increased willingness to invest in leadership development in the future

"Where there is a will, there is a way," said Albert Einstein. Leadership development has become an important ingredient in a company's success. Both to meet the new leadership requirements of the future and to ensure that managers have the tools they need to motivate their employees.

Fortunately, the survey reveals that many companies are planning a clear increase in investment in leadership development in the future. It seems that knowledge of the benefits of leadership development has reached the boardroom.

A strategic approach to leadership development is crucial, and companies still have some way to go. Although all companies reported having leadership development on their agenda over the past year, only two out of three had clear goals for development.

What does "good leadership" mean to us is a question every company should ask itself. Clarifying this is the first step on the road to a leadership development strategy. This ensures that the business does not go in the wrong direction or waste resources. Use concrete, measurable and trainable principles for leadership and leadership development. Then determine the measures and implementation that will most effectively achieve the goals set.

Practical leadership development integrated into everyday life delivers results

The focus on leadership development in companies is increasing. However, there are big differences between whether leadership development is an ongoing activity or something that is prioritized when there is a need for it.

For example, leadership development has often been linked to a management meeting or functioned as a stand-alone workshop. However, research shows that leadership development that is integrated into the manager's everyday life produces the best results.

New knowledge and new tools enable practical training in your own role, but it is not a given that it will produce results. Many leadership developers are unable to offer a time-efficient method that contributes to learning and practical training in the job - and on the job - while documenting progress and results.

A good leadership development program, integrated into everyday life, translates words into action and creates lasting behavioral change.

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Markedsrapport 23