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Leadership development - why is it important - FRONT Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:31:26 PM

Tomorrow's companies are flexible and innovative. New technology is adopted and employees are involved in development and innovation. This often leads to new organizational structures and more interdisciplinary collaborative projects. How can competent leaders meet the challenges of tomorrow? And why is leadership development so important?

What is leadership development?

Leadership development consists of several activities aimed at developing managers' ability to lead and their ability to collaborate among themselves. Examples of leadership development initiatives include leadership development programs, leadership coaching, mentoring, experiential learning and simulator exercises. As in elite sports, leaders must constantly train and develop - together with others - to maintain top form.

Read also: The principles of good leadership can be applied to many areas of life

5 reasons to prioritize leadership development   

1. Flexible workplaces require structure and planning 

Digital and hybrid workplaces will become more common, and there will be a need for more and better remote management. This, in turn, will place greater demands on structure and planning and a new form of management. Digitalization has meant that many people sit in digital meetings without breaks or time for planning. We need breaks in order to be attentive, creative and feel good. It will therefore be important to facilitate increased planning among future leaders and the ability to lead their employees when they no longer meet physically. 

2. Gain a competitive advantage in the market 

Being a good and effective leader over time is a continuous learning process. This is something that organizations should facilitate by offering leadership development so that managers can work systematically with leadership over time. In this way, leaders will become relevant, value-adding and competitive. In the same way as IT systems, computers, people and expertise, leadership is a resource in the organization. This resource must be managed and developed to create the best possible value creation for the company and to make it relevant in tomorrow's market.   

3. Be as efficient as possible in a new everyday life 

The right balance provides the best efficiency. A new way of working has made us aware of what is best done digitally and what is appropriate to do physically. In the home office, time spent is reduced and efficiency increases, and we save time on travel. At the same time, some tasks will be more efficient to do co-located. Tomorrow's workplaces will adapt the workplace according to what is most efficient, both for the company and the individual employee. A good manager must therefore be able to adapt to the new normal and find the right balance for the best and most efficient organization of work.  

4. Good distance management requires effort 

Remote management requires increased attention to relationship building, as the arena in which a manager can pick up signals from their employees becomes smaller. As a manager, you must therefore set aside sufficient time to nurture relationships and pay individual attention. Less physical presence requires employee insight so that you can pick up on any individual challenges. This becomes even more challenging when you have less physical presence, and it will require adjustments and adaptations for you as a manager.   

Read also: Distance management in practice: 6 concrete tips

5. Prioritizing and understanding the individual 

 Employees have different personalities, needs and life situations. Therefore, a good manager should treat people fairly by treating them differently. This will have a major impact on how each individual thrives and is as effective as possible. Some need more coaching, support and sparring, others need more social contact, while others thrive best with less follow-up and presence. The manager cannot be close by in all cases. A good manager must therefore constantly learn to prioritize and see each employee and situation individually. 

Read also: Elisabeth Høiland got good tools to support herself in her everyday life as a manager

What makes a good leader? 

What characterizes a good leader? A good leader creates the best possible results through their employees. The ability to focus, build a good working environment and be empathetic are some important characteristics of good leadership. Good leaders are responsible leaders who use their position of power constructively, build trust with those around them and see themselves as part of a community. Results are created through collaboration.    

Read also: Be who you want others to be - "lead by example"

Increased competence and maintenance of good management 

An increasingly complex working life where change is happening faster and faster requires development from those in leadership roles. In a leadership development program, you will learn, among other things: 

  • Prioritizing and setting goals for yourself and others 
  • Learning mindset and disciplined learning at work 
  • Time management, meeting management and delegation 
  • Coaching by subject matter experts 
  • Care and support for others 
  • Feedback - giving and receiving feedback 
  • Inspiring communication and influence 
  • Decision-making and planned follow-up 

We hope this article has been helpful and inspiring, and that you have gained a good understanding of the importance of leadership development.

People ask about this too:

1. Why is leadership development so important?

One of the main reasons why people leave their jobs is because they have a poor manager. This can have major consequences for the business, and is often evident in terms of presentations and the number of people on sick leave in an organization. At the same time, it is important to retain leadership talent internally by offering customized leadership development.

2. What does leadership development involve?

Leadership development is following a customized program to improve your own leadership skills together with other colleagues. Becoming a great leader doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's a team effort.

3. What activities are included in leadership development?

Leadership development is characterized by follow-up over time, and a combination of engaging sessions and practical tasks in your own leadership role to achieve the goal of sustained improvement in leadership behaviour.

4. How to become a good leader?

No one is born a good leader, but everyone can be better. There are some overarching qualities that are essential on the road to becoming a good leader: being humble, willing to learn and involving others.

5. How can you get the best possible impact from leadership development?

It is important that the content is adapted to the organization and the participants taking the course. The fact that participants are motivated and set aside time in a hectic workday contributes to better effect.

6. Who is a leadership development course suitable for?

A leadership development course is suitable for anyone who wants to become a better leader. Whether you are brand new to management or have worked as a manager for a few years and want to increase your skills. To become a better leader, you need to train and develop.