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New employees in FRONT Leadership | Front Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:29:25 PM

New employees in FRONT Leadership

2021 has been a very good year for FRONT Leadership, which gained 30 new clients and now delivers leadership development to over 80 organizations in 27 countries on 4 continents. With the hiring of another leadership developer in December, we have now also tripled the number of permanent employees during this year.

Recruitment took place after an extensive process last fall that started with a slightly special call for applications.

Applications poured in from 31 leadership developers who were eager to work with FRONT Leadership's innovative methods. Of these, 11 were invited to a personality test and aptitude test. Then 9 were invited to the first interview and of those, 6 went on to a two-hour in-depth interview. In the end, 3 fantastic leadership developers were left, all of whom were given a relevant case assignment where they had to design a relevant leadership development program.

This time, the choice fell on leadership developer Ingrid Nomme with her complementary expertise in courses and conferences, infectious commitment to leadership development and rock-solid digital experience. She is technologically savvy, innovative and forward-thinking. She has a degree in emotional intelligence therapy and has studied marketing economics, coaching and leadership at the Norwegian Business Academy and Buskerud and Vestfold University College. She comes from a position as project and development manager in a pure IT development company, and in her spare time she is an avid sailor and mother of twins.

But Ingrid is just the latest in a series of exciting hires for FRONT Leadership in 2021.

Hildegunn Danielsen became a permanent employee as a leadership developer on November 1 this year. She is an experienced specialist in leadership, change management, leadership development and onboarding with over 20 years of operational leadership experience nationally and internationally. As an MBA from BI Norwegian Business School, she specialized in organizational psychology, and she has held senior positions in Gard and Cargotec/Macgregor, among others. Hildegunn is a perfect fit for FRONT Leadership with her passionate commitment to ensuring that leadership development is concrete, useful and value-creating for each individual leader, while at the same time contributing to the company's strategy and results. Participants in her programs describe her as a powerful and quality-oriented leadership developer who brings out the extraordinary in others and gets them to go the extra mile. She is now program manager for FRONT Leadership at Agder Energi and Hurtigruta, among others.

Øyvind Tjernæs was hired as a leadership developer on 1 November this year, and has become program manager for Postnord. He is more versatile than most, with a degree from the officer training school and the police academy, 20 years' experience as an officer in the Norwegian Armed Forces, including several management positions in the Military Police, in addition to working for many years as a diving instructor.

With his many years of experience in operational management and planning, both nationally and internationally, he focuses on both the organization as a whole and the individuals in the organization. In addition to being a permanent employee as a leadership developer at FRONT Leadership, he is also the owner and general manager of Tjærnes Multiservice, which offers tree felling, fall protection and work at height.

Robert Marsalis joined FRONT Leadership on February 1 this year after being highly recommended by several of our customers. Since then, he has managed to work as a program manager in Borregaard, Norske Skog, Altera, Det Norske Veritas, the Kongsberg Group and Yingson. He is an exciting mix of American, priest, political scientist and NLP coach with over 20 years of experience as a leadership developer, team and organizational developer. Among other things, he has previously been a senior manager with responsibility for leadership development at Det Norske Veritas.

On March 1 this year, FRONT Leadership hired its own sales director. The choice fell on Eva Berge Tenorio, who has over 20 years of experience in sales and management in the hotel and event industry. Eva is passionate about putting the customer at the forefront of every sales process, is a certified performance coach and has a bachelor's degree in travel and management. Her most important task is to ensure that the collaboration between sales and delivery works optimally so that FRONT Leadership always delivers the best solutions, adapted to the customer's needs and wishes.

In August, Kristina Vognild was hired as Customer Coordinator in FRONT Leadership. The job involves her taking care of administration and customer follow-up together with our Customer Success Manager, Sandra Blichner. They organize, structure and are very valuable support for both the customers and the leadership developers in their work. Kristina is also studying for a bachelor's degree in HR with a specialization in technology and digitalization from Kristiania University College. She has several years of experience in B2C sales and is committed to creating good experiences for our customers and program participants.

The strong growth is set to continue further in 2022, and there will be more new hires in the new year. In this way, FRONT Leadership will be at the forefront of development and meet all the exciting customer assignments and innovation projects that we have on the block for 2022.