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Record year for digital leadership development | Front Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:35:22 PM

FRONT Leadership (formerly Leadership Weekly), started with digital leadership development back in 2015, and was perfectly positioned when the pandemic struck. 2020 was a record year and FRONT Leadership ended with a doubling of turnover and a tripling of profit.

By (FRONT Leadership/PR operators)

Digital leadership skills

- 2020 has been an exceptional year for everyone. It was a year in which leaders at all levels experienced that new knowledge is required to lead in a digital world. Here we have had a strong advantage with our digital program and our model," says Mats Kristensen, CEO of FRONT Leadership.

Much of the success in 2020 is due to the fact that the company was born digital and that its clients have been quick to adapt to the new way of life. The company has developed a particularly effective method for developing leadership skills, which also has measurable results.

A huge space of opportunity

From the start of the company, the emphasis has been on virtual and digital platforms for training, meeting places and follow-up. Now they are strengthening the team to increase capacity and further strengthen expertise.

Mats Kristensen believes there are several reasons why FRONT Leadership's development will continue at least as fast in the coming years:

  • Hybrid workplaces are likely to become the norm, and there will be a need for more and better remote management.
  • Increasingly, companies are realizing that making management a core business gives them a competitive advantage in the market.
  • Managers usually have little time and full calendars. Offering a tailored program where training is integrated into the job creates value and saves time.
  • FRONT Leadership invests 10 percent of its turnover in further innovation and development to capitalize on further digital developments. In their opinion, 2020 is just a taste of what the business world has in store.
  • An increasing number of managers are reaching out for help on how to manage their employees when they no longer meet in person.

- "We are entering the golden age of digital leadership development, and we will definitely be in the driver's seat," says Kristensen of FRONT Leadership.

New name, new opportunities

The company has recently changed its name from Leadership Weekly to FRONT Leadership. The need for a clearer profile and to clarify the services the company provides emerged naturally as a result of an increased customer base and international growth ambitions.

- "We have always been at the forefront, or at the forefront if you like, both in terms of our leadership development philosophy and our digital model for implementation. Our growth in Norway and now also internationally meant that we saw a need to strengthen our own brand," Kristensen concludes.