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We have open leadership development programs - do you need a refresher? | Front Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:20:04 PM

The potential of developing great leaders is enormous

By investing in leaders and leadership development programs, companies not only take better care of their employees, they create an environment where employees perform better. Everyone deserves a great leader! And every leader deserves to be empowered to succeed.

FRONT Leadership offers several different programs to help leaders succeed in their roles. The programs provide increased knowledge and valuable leadership training, enabling participants to take the right steps to ensure success for themselves and their business. Our leadership development programs are research-based and have many references that can show concrete results. Are you a new manager, an experienced manager or perhaps you manage other managers?

There are currently four different leadership development programs open for enrollment:

Leadership development program that follows your everyday life

Camilla Caspersen, leadership developer and responsible for "New as a leader", says that the unique thing about FRONT Leadership's programs is how they take place as an integrated part of everyday work life. New this year is that we now offer our leadership development programs as open programs . In our open programs, you will be paired with leaders in similar positions to yourself from different companies.

- This means that the business can see an immediate impact. Just as in top-level sport, we as leaders must constantly train and develop together with others to maintain our top form. This special type of leadership development over 10-12 months is both effective and profitable, and creates a good progression in insight, self-management and customized leadership.

Leaders are often thrown into deep water, and a leadership development program can be the lifebuoy that keeps you from sinking. But it's not enough just to stay afloat, you also need to learn how to swim to move forward - and that can take some time. Becoming a great leader doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's a team effort. That's why we offer tailored leadership development programs where you learn alongside people in the same leadership situation as you.

Robert Marsalis, leadership developer and responsible for "Experienced Leader" points to the close integration between theory and practice that is characteristic of all the open programs FRONT Leadership offers.

- This is not a week at a conference hotel or long lectures followed by homework. The aim is to take ownership of the subject matter through active application on a daily basis. When we meet, we always start by reflecting on the learning we have done between sessions.

In our open leadership development programs, you join other leaders in a similar position to yourself. We have something for everyone - for managers at different levels and with different levels of experience. Get in touch today to see which open leadership development program might be right for you!

Leadership development at FRONT Leadership

We are convinced that leaders can be trained and developed to become better leaders, and that it's the effort we put in that counts first and foremost.

All of our leadership development programs are firmly rooted in the latest research that shows what is needed for leadership development to work, and all professional content and methodological approaches are based on extensive experience and recognized research.

Together with our proprietary methodology, this makes us unique among leadership development providers.

Our programs have measurable results that demonstrate the impact of participants' translation of theory into practice, through regular alignment with those who experience and witness participants' leadership practice.

Our leadership developers are not just lecturers, they are great leaders themselves, pushing participants to try harder and achieve more than they thought possible.