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Winning recipe for leadership development | Front Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:23:04 PM

It is with pride that we at FRONT Leadership receive the 2023 Consultancy Award for "Assignment of the Year". In good company with other exciting entries, FRONT's collaboration with Storebrand took the win ahead of InFuture for ISS and KPMG for DNB.

We can now confidently say that our approach is unique in leadership development. The journey we've taken with our clients since we started in 2016 has given us increased insight into how to lead engaging and practical development paths with the reinforcement of technology. This is to promote learning in working life today - and in the years to come. We have learned a lot about which methods provide optimal leadership development and how the different methods can reinforce each other.

Our approach to leadership development is rooted in research and based on practices known from transformational leadership. This gives us an opportunity to measure behavioral change and progress through the renowned measurement tool MLQ360. One measurement before the leadership development program, and one measurement after, documents the behavioral change and the connection to organizational results. With very good results from the evaluation, we can say with a high degree of certainty that the leadership development program not only provides behavioral change for the leader, but also ensures increased profitability for our clients. Such an effect is fairly unique in the leadership development industry. The industry is typically only evaluated through participant satisfaction and/or increased knowledge as a result of leadership development.

The winning recipe - complex task solved with simple leadership development principles

Developing leaders is a complex task. We offer a research-based and proven leadership development program that virtually guarantees significant progress in practical leadership that is noticed by the environment around the leader. To achieve lasting behavioral change in the leadership role, we have found that the following principles are fundamental. This is our "winning recipe":

  1. Ensure top management buy-in before start-up.
  2. Set specific targets and ensure that these are updated and adjusted regularly.
  3. Start with the low-hanging fruit with low investment and high reward.
  4. Remove what prevents effective use.
  5. Use a range of influencing and learning methods with a focus on practice.
  6. Work in a structured way over time - build stone upon stone until you have a cathedral.
  7. Follow up, provide feedback on progress and celebrate successes on an ongoing basis.

Our winning recipe is far from secret, but it is spiced up with committed and skilled leadership developers. Participants who take the task seriously and add that little extra. Professional anchoring is a matter of course, and technological tools are one of the ingredients we use to optimize learning and integrate the development process into the manager's everyday life in a useful and effective way.

The winning recipe is constantly evolving. FRONT Leadership's management development program has now been running for more than five years at a large number of companies in many different industries. Several thousand managers have been through the program, and their development and feedback has contributed to our own reflection, learning and, not least, further development.

"We are delighted to receive this award. It's an extraordinary vote of confidence, and trust is priceless in our industry. We promise to be worthy of that trust, and to continue to develop the winning recipe because EVERYONE deserves a great leader!