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Work smarter - use your time well - FRONT Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | May 13, 2024 12:30:10 PM

Work smarter

- Save time with leadership development

Time is a non-renewable resource. Everyone has 24 hours a day and that's all you get. It is therefore perhaps not surprising that time is at the top of the list of factors that influence the choice of leadership development program - in different ways. This is according to an independent survey of 419 companies in Norway conducted by the media and communications agency Mindshare on behalf of FRONT Leadership.

Flexibility is here to stay

The survey reveals that time-efficient leadership development methods that can be combined with a hectic workday are one of the most important factors on which a leadership development program is evaluated. Unlike other factors, small, medium and large businesses alike agree that time can be the key to successful leadership development. Many companies have found that flexible solutions can promote learning in the workplace. This is supported by Trine Tønnessen Heir, principal at Brønnerud School in Ås Municipality,

Digital leadership development is simply easier to achieve. The learning takes place at my own workplace without me having to spend time traveling. It's integrated into my own working day, which has contributed to increased focus and learning. Change takes time, which is why shorter sessions work better in a longer development process. When you are followed up over time, you are also more accountable for implementing the changes.


Time begets time

Around 20% of the companies in the survey believe that the reason for not investing in management development is a lack of time for managers. Managerial responsibility often comes with a hectic workday where there is sometimes not enough time. Anything that is perceived as time-consuming, including leadership development, is often avoided. Paradoxically, leadership development can contribute to a better structured workday, which in turn saves time. Tønnessen Heir says that leadership development has helped her to prioritize better.

I've become aware that I need to delegate and give others more responsibility. Instead of doing everything yourself, you have to give trust, authority and let others do the tasks. Leadership development has taught me to spend time figuring out what's important and urgent, and I prioritize my workday based on that. Quite simply, I've learned to work smarter and I've gained several new tools to play with. I've also gained good access to and knowledge of digital aids in everyday work life that we are encouraged to download and use. This has changed how I work and prioritize work tasks.