NAV's method supervisors Victoria (43), Linn Kristin (42) and Therese (40) became more confident in leading: Through regular leadership training. Better leadership will provide better individual job support (IPS) for patients with mental illness or substance dependence.
By Rita Tvede Bartolomei
Around 90 method supervisors from NAV's entire IPS service in Norway started last autumn and now in February on a leadership development program with FRONT Leadership. The leadership training will run for 12 months.
Continuously training to lead
Victoria Edwards has been a method supervisor for 7 years and says that continuous leadership development is particularly beneficial.
- "It's really good that we work continuously to develop ourselves as leaders, and that we set aside time every week to work on this. I had a conversation with my training partner just today," she says.
She says that job specialists have a demanding job, where they work in collaboration with the health service to give vulnerable people better conditions in working life.
- "When we as method supervisors get better at leading our team of job specialists in a safe and clear way, they also get better guidance. As a result, they also become better at their jobs," says Victoria.

Victoria Edwards
Method supervisor
What is IPS?
IPS (individual job support) aims to get people with mental illness or substance dependency into employment. The IPS service is a collaboration between NAV and the health service, and is organized so that method supervisors lead a team of job specialists. Job specialists are part of the treatment team in the municipal health and care service (or specialist health service).
- PS is a voluntary service, and is based on job support while undergoing treatment in the healthcare system. Work is then used as part of the "medicine" to get better. "The better we get at using the IPS method, the more people get a better service. Ultimately, it's all about getting the best possible outcome for the end user," says Victoria.
Better leadership to solve challenges better
She adds that many method supervisors started their jobs precisely because they liked the IPS methodology.
- But a big part of our job is management. For the method to work, through our work and for our job specialists, we need to be able to follow up well, have the difficult conversations and resolve challenging situations," says Victoria Edwards.
The method supervisor finds that leadership development has been a great help to her:
- Therefore, my feedback to my employer has been that I hope NAV will buy this course again," she adds.
Sharing experiences with other method supervisors
Therese Møller Martinsen says that the leadership training has made her more aware of her own role as manager of the job specialists. She has been an IPS method supervisor for just over two years.
- Through the program, I have had the opportunity to work on becoming a better leader, together with others who have exactly the same role as me. I've also become better acquainted with several new concepts that are important for working with my team. Among other things, providing psychological safety," says Therese.
Based on the topics raised during the program, she has also become more confident in her leadership role.

Therese Møller Martinsen
Method supervisor
Engagement that is contagious and motivating
Therese praises FRONT's leadership developers and trainers, describing them as incredibly skilled and committed.
- They contribute greatly to creating and maintaining commitment, but also interest from us participants. There are leadership challenges between the sessions, at work, which force us to constantly look at the different elements of the leadership role. We don't just do leadership development at the sessions themselves," she says.
The method supervisor says that she is happy to recommend the development program under the auspices of FRONT. The reasons are many.
- The leadership training provides a useful professional refresher on the leadership role, combined with practical leadership training and continuous learning. "The course instructors are skilled, and the commitment is very strong at the physical sessions. In addition, as method supervisors, we have the opportunity to share useful experiences with each other," she says.
Good leadership leads to better journalism - read also about leadership development at Amedia
More aware of the importance of leadership
Linn Kristin Reinan has worked as a method supervisor for two years. She explains that the program has really helped to make her aware of her role in her team. Her actual job responsibility, which is to lead, also became clearer as a result of the leadership training.
- Our job is to be leaders. In our position, we don't have personnel responsibility, but we do have professional responsibility. But we still have to be leaders for our team. I've become more aware of how important good leadership is for the further development of the IPS service we're going to deliver. Quite simply, leadership development has made leadership important to us," says Linn Kristin.
The method supervisor says that she has a taste for what FRONT calls a development journey as a leader: A journey that takes place over time, in collaboration with others.
- Especially because the development journey they take us on is together with others in the same situation - over a longer period of time," she says.

Linn Kristin Reinan
Method supervisor
Theory put into practice at work
She adds that it is very useful that management development is included in the everyday work of the method supervisors:
- And naturally builds up and moves us forward. At the same time, it gives us room to grow at our own pace. We share experiences and stories with each other in a safe environment, which helps us to dare to be vulnerable and admit "I don't think this is so easy". Or "I've gained more self-confidence, because I wasn't as bad as I was afraid of". This makes the role of leader both easier and safer," says Linn Kristin.
She believes that a leadership learning methodology based on continuity is the most useful way to become a better leader:
- Because I don't think you really develop and become a good leader after a two-day course. Or by just knowing management theories. But you develop as a leader by practicing and trying out the theories in practice, together with the people you will be performing the role with," explains Linn Kristin.

Kick-off with the groups that started in February 2023.
Leadership development that is useful in everyday work life
The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) wanted a practical and research-based management development program: A leadership training that was useful in the everyday life of the method supervisors.
By Rita Tvede Bartolomei
- "The feedback we've received about the program has been very positive. It's both job-related and something that everyone finds practical in everyday work life. We think the program and the learning methods are very effective. It's clear that it has been useful, and in line with what we wanted to achieve when we acquired the development program from FRONT Leadership," says Kine Nan Lium.
She is a senior advisor at the work inclusion office at the Norwegian Directorate of Labor and Welfare (NAV).
Kine herself has been a fly on the wall during some of the leadership development meetings in Oslo, and highlights how practical the leadership development is. This is also something the participants have praised.
- "The learning methodology is structured so that participants are not just served theories that are not useful in the everyday work of the method supervisors," she says.
Kine adds that a method supervisor has to juggle many tasks in their job, which can make it demanding to be a manager.
- They will provide guidance in the IPS method, while at the same time supporting the job specialists and making them confident and independent in their work. They will also work in close collaboration with the health service, therapists and patients," she says.

Kine Nan Lium
Senior Advisor, Work Inclusion Office at the Norwegian Directorate of Labor and Welfare (NAV).