
Leadership at the top of the agenda in AFRY | FRONT Leadership

Written by Front Leadership | Jan 26, 2020 11:00:00 PM

As an international engineering, design and consulting firm, AFRY has over 900 employees in Norway alone. With several different business areas and employees spread out in different locations, they saw the need to create a strong leadership culture to strengthen internal ties. So they started at the top to set the standard at every level. Christopher Klepsland, CEO of AFRY, talks about the company's leadership development journey.

Written by Marte Semb Aasmundsen

Need for leadership development

- For us, it's important that we in management are also good role models, that we show that we know what we're talking about and don't just delegate tasks to those below us. In addition, we have experienced significant growth, which has also included changes in the organization, including an increase in the number of managers. Therefore, we have seen a need to build and expand our management skills. The type of management required also changes in line with the organization," says Klepsland.

Christopher Klepstad


FRONT Leadership's leadership development is digital, so participants can take part from their own office. "This is a great advantage," says Klepsland.

- With a geographically distributed structure, the online design of the program has been one of the major advantages for us. The program feels both practical and close to everyday life. The idea of learning buddies is also very good; you have someone to push you, as well as someone to spar with. We've also found that if the relationships are better, it also works better in terms of business. In addition, the program is rooted in research and theory, but explained in a structured way, which makes it easy to work with already when one module is finished - and until the next. "I feel that we as a group are already seeing results," Klepsland explains.

The topics covered in the various digital sessions vary and cover everything from feedback culture, difficult conversations and delegation of tasks. Klepsland explains that by completing tasks and discussing them, they become more aware of how they carry out their own management tasks. In addition, he emphasizes the sense of mastery that forms the basis of the program and how it helps to build on existing skills and strengthen the participants.

- It's not always easy to remember what it was like to be brand new, when everything was exciting. It can be easy to think that some tasks shouldn't be delegated to others, but should be taken care of on your own. As a manager, it can be nice to be reminded that these tasks that are boring and tedious for yourself can be an important part of the development of others. After all, this was part of what shaped you on your path to becoming the leader you are today. There is enormous potential in showing people trust and giving responsibility," Klepsland explains.

Having been through various forms of leadership development in the past, Klepsland is clear that this form, regardless of provider, works very well. Having attended modular leadership training in the past, he is now convinced that integration into everyday life is crucial. This is something that FRONT Leadership's digital leadership development takes seriously.

- Unlike traditional leadership development programs, this will create a greater awareness in people over time. "It's unlike spending two days at a fjord hotel where you're engaged for the duration of your stay, but forget to integrate the knowledge you've gained into your busy everyday life afterwards," says Klepsland.

The evaluation AFRY has made so far has been positive. Klepsland refers, for example, to engagement during and after the sessions and good attendance.

- For us, we now need to see how we can scale this up. FRONT Leadership has clearly found a formula that appeals to the participants and produces results over time," Klepsland concludes.