What is required of a digital leadership developer?

A leadership development program delivered by a digital leadership developer often focuses on a combination of theory, practice and evaluation. In an independent survey of 419 companies in Norway, professional content was ranked as the most important factor when choosing a leadership developer.

Many may think that the academic content of digital leadership development is the same as in traditional classroom teaching - same curriculum, different delivery. This is far from the case. In addition to enabling savings and streamlining, digital leadership development has a unique advantage when it comes to learning design. Research shows that it pays to have time to digest and test new knowledge. Development that takes place over a longer period of time not only maintains commitment to your own development, it has several other benefits.

Read: Being motivated by leaders who are hungry for personal development

A different learning design than traditional leadership development

Digital leadership development enables completely different learning designs, where in-house leadership training between lessons is perhaps the most valuable. Digital leadership training allows for active testing in your own role, as well as relevant feedback on the spot - both from the leadership trainer and colleagues. The goal of a leadership development program should be strategic and systematic competence development over time. Integrating leadership development into a hectic workday results in more long-term change. Stanley Security AS has seen visible results from digital leadership development in their daily operations.

A digital development program may seem theoretical with less personal follow-up, but that's far from the experience our employees had. We experienced the program as practical and feasible, and that it put the teaching in contact with the everyday life of the managers. In the time between modules, you are most likely to encounter a situation where the module you have just been through has its practical application. Each module was therefore useful in highlighting aspects of management that the participants could recognize. At Stanley, we have a practical and operational approach to leadership, so an experiential approach works best for us. Leadership development delivers results immediately, without a large curriculum to go through. If you follow the modules in the program, you have a good platform and prerequisite for becoming a better leader," says Knut Erik Melstrøm, former Director of Operations at Stanley Security AS.

It is not only the academic content that is important when choosing a leadership developer, but also the skills and experience of those delivering the program. Achieving results and seeing the benefits of digital leadership training requires skilled leadership developers.

More about digital leadership development? Read also: The digital leadership developer

A digital leadership developer

A digital leadership developer prepares, designs and delivers leadership development via online tools. Leading a training program through a screen can be more challenging than conducting leadership training in a physical session. In a virtual classroom, you have no gimmicks. A digital leadership developer therefore not only needs unique communication skills and charisma, they also need to capture the participants' attention in a different way and create a sense of cohesion on the digital platform. This requires methodical and structured leadership development programs conducted by leadership developers with expertise and insight, who understand the benefits and challenges of digital platforms.

How to get started with digital learning in your business.

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