Leadership team development with FRONT Leadership

Did you know that as much as 40 percent of the time spent in Norwegian leadership teams is perceived as unproductive and wasted time?

Not all leadership teams are as effective as they could be. We can help you with that.

How a leadership team functions has a major impact on the company's performance. A good leadership team leads to increased production and better results. That's why leadership team development is a good investment that builds both culture and competitive advantage. 

Talk to us about leadership team development


Why do I need leadership team development?

Because almost all leadership teams can become more effective! We know from both research and our own experience that most leadership teams can be improved in one or more areas. Research on effectiveness in leadership teams shows that the following problems are common:


  • lack of agreement on the function, purpose and issues of the team 
  • ineffective team meetings 
  • too much time spent on administrative tasks vs. strategy 
  • the group is a collection of individual leaders rather than a coordinated team 
  • relational issues 
  • little continuous learning 

You only need to recognize one of these points for leadership team development to yield a good return.

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Who is leadership team development for?

Our programs are for all kinds of leadership teams! We have extensive experience with both executive leadership teams and  leadership teams at other levels, with both newly established teams and teams that have been working together for a long time. 

We know that the development of a leadership team needs to be tailored to the situation in the team, so we adapt our programs to what works best for you.


What do we get in return for leadership team development?

Better execution, a stronger team spirit and better decisions--to name a few benefits! A leadership team is responsible for the organization's strategy and is the spearhead for achieving the strategic goals. So it's not surprising that a more effective leadership team provides solid added value. 

To go into a little more detail, here is what we know about the benefits of our leadership team development:

Filled Path turquoise Improved decision-making

The team becomes better at having thorough discussions bringing out both breadth and depth of perspectives. Teams become better at taking action as needed and making well-considered decisions.

Filled Path turquoise Improved power to implement

The team becomes better at following up on the decisions they make and holding each other accountable as needed.

Filled Path turquoise A stronger sense of team spirit

After the leadership team development process, the group will have become a team with a common goal and seeing itself as part of a larger whole. This in turn can lead to better collaboration between departments. 

The management team also becomes better at utilizing its own diversity as a strength, and each individual takes greater responsibility for ensuring the best possible interaction in the group. The understanding of each other's needs and challenges improves, they share information and resources with each other to a greater extent, and are jointly responsible for the decisions the group makes.

Filled Path turquoise Learning becomes more specific

The group will have learned to identify necessary changes and adjustments to make along the way, and be better able to initiate and follow up on necessary changes.

Filled Path turquoise Team members become better leaders

The team members will have become more confident in their roles and more aware of the influence they have on others. In addition, the team members will have become better at collaborating, exchanging advice and support and developing together.


What happens during the leadership team development process?

In brief: First, we map and analyze how the management team currently functions and what areas it has for development potential. Then we draw up a prioritized action plan in collaboration with the leader of the management team. 

The plan includes actions at both individual and group level, and actions that can be done either with or without support from us.

Our work is based on Bang and Middelfart's renowned research on effective leadership teams. Our facilitators have extensive experience and are certified in the analysis tool Effect. As with all of our development programs, the development work is spread out over time to ensure that what you learn becomes what you do in practice.  


Reference: Post Nord, Bergene Holm, Hapro, LNS

Open programs

In our open programs, you join managers from other companies who are in a similar position to yourself. We have programs for managers at different levels and with different levels of experience.

Company programs

We have extensive experience in customizing programs for individual companies and working with managers at all levels, with a variety of issues and in different industries. 

Slik jobber vi

Settings 1


A high-performing team performs best when the trainer is on the sideline organizing, facilitating, supporting and ensuring good teamwork. Our leadership programs are designed to give you as a leader the overview and personal insight you need.

Front Wheel


Leadership training must be profitable for companies. FRONT Leadership has developed a particularly effective method for training leadership skills with measurable results.

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Our leadership programs are held during the working day and are designed to be integrated seamlessly. Networking and reflection are keys to success, and we tailor all our leadership training programs to the needs of the organisation.


Anniken Fisher
Head of Learning and Culture, Volue

- It's great to see clear improvement towards the goals we have set for ourselves! We're also seeing a change in the expectations associated with the management role. Previously, the gold standard was the operational manager who became a manager based on professional expertise. The nature of the company has changed a lot since it was established, and the leadership role has changed accordingly. The leadership development program has contributed to a greater understanding of this change and what is required to be a leader at Volue in the future.

Contact us for a chat

We look forward to working with you to develop your own or others' leadership and using our experience for the benefit of your customers. Our team possesses a broad range of expertise and can assist in the development of new leaders, emerging leaders, experienced leaders and executive-level management teams.

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