Leadership developer with commitment and ambition

Send us an open application:

Do you want to work with developing great leaders?

A leadership developer with us is responsible for specific development programs for defined customers, and facilitates development processes that are closely integrated into the participants' own leadership role. You will have the opportunity to help and support each participant through a longer development process, and thus see the progression and progress that you help to create.

Our vision and mission is Everyone deserves a great leader - and with us, you will be able to realize your full potential in a meaningful way. Leadership development assignments with us often involve you being responsible for several defined groups of leaders, who participate in a development journey of >10-12 months. You will deliver structured evidence-based programs based on blended learning. You can engage in full-time or part-time engagement by agreement.


With us, you get:

  • Lead specific development paths where your skills and experience can flourish.
  • Take on the role of a trusted advisor and reinforce good relationships.
  • Find development solutions that are optimal for participants and client.
  • Be part of a committed and ambitious leadership development network that truly wants to deliver quality at every level.
  • Technical tools that simplify, improve and innovate leadership development
  • Competitive salary and bonus scheme
  • Use your own networks and relationships to sell leadership development services.
  • Attractive premises in Oslo
  • Very good pension and insurance schemes
  • Flexible working hours and the opportunity to work remotely a lot


We're looking for you with the four I's firmly in place:

  • Integrity - in behavior, attitudes and values - is fundamental.
  • Interest - passion for leadership and people development.
  • Insight - expertise in leadership, learning and digital video conferencing program.
  • Inspirational - communicates engagingly and in a way that gives energy, eagerness and enthusiasm.


We are in the FRONT and emphasize continuous development to stay in the FRONT

  • We are hungry for our own development.
  • We are confident in the digital tools we use, and easily harness their potential.
  • Our method has a solid professional foundation.
  • We look to our own "Guide for effective leadership training" as a professional framework for development
  • We are constantly looking for new services, digital tools and development opportunities that strengthen our position in FRONT

To ensure that we are always at the forefront of the best solutions, we invest 10% of our turnover each year in innovation and further development. We help individuals who want to increase their efficiency and leadership skills and businesses that want to strengthen the leadership skills of their employees.

If you recognize yourself in this, and see that this could be a match - we want to get in touch with you!


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