
Norwegian, English or on request


Digital and local in your role at work


12 months


44. 000,-

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Who is the program for?

This program is for those who have been a manager with HR responsibilities for several years and want to challenge yourself in your leadership role.

You're curious about how you can play an even greater role in influencing and empowering your employees to succeed.

What can you expect to be left with at the end of the program?

Our goal is that through the program you will become better acquainted with your own strengths and development potential. You will become more aware of your own leadership philosophy and what drives you in your leadership work.

In a world characterized by a continuous need for change and development, you will learn how to bring your team along in the face of these demands, so that together you can achieve your goals.

You will learn how to increase your ability to influence both upwards and across your organization.

Throughout the program, you'll work closely with the other participants who are also experienced leaders, giving you an important network to draw on long after the program is over.

How is the program organized?

The program consists of 10 sessions and extends over a period of 10-12 months.

The first and last sessions are physical full-day sessions that take place at our premises in central Oslo.

The 8 sessions in between are digital 2-hour sessions, allowing you to participate from your own workplace.

Each program consists of a maximum of 12 participants and is led by a dedicated and experienced leadership developer from FRONT Leadership.

The right steps to ensure success

This program provides you with increased knowledge and valuable leadership training to enable you to take the right steps to ensure the success of your business. Leaders who participate in the program are given the tools they need and are trained to get themselves and others to perform and collaborate in a better way to increase the effectiveness of the business.

Quickly establishes a solid network

Leadership training integrated into everyday life

A competitive advantage in the industry

Professional content of the leadership program

We are committed to having evidence-based, professional content and methodological approaches that are based on scientific research and what works. Our programs are regularly updated with the latest research in management.

In the Experienced Leader program, we focus on the following topics:

  • Personal leadership philosophy
  • Prioritization and goal setting for yourself and others
  • Psychological safety
  • Change management

Procedure and implementation

Our learning methods are all firmly rooted in recent research and what works. The program is structured so that you gradually gain greater and greater benefits, as you are continuously introduced to tools that accelerate your development as a leader. Active learning methods are used to a large extent, where you as a participant are the active learner. A recurring theme in all sessions is reflection. Through reflection, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, the knowledge you acquire and how you can translate theory into practice.

In practical terms, we combine classroom, technology, network and experiential learning. We facilitate individual and collaborative learning. We make it possible for learning to take place in real time, but also when it suits the individual participant best.

Case jobbing

To ensure that there is always a close link between theory and practice, you bring in cases from your own everyday work life.

Individual goal conversation

At the start of the program, you will have an individual goal discussion with your leadership developer. Together you will review the results of the first pulse measurement and discuss what you want to achieve with your team. You will explore the current situation and together see what it will take to get to the desired situation.

Leadership, like swimming, cannot be learned by reading about it.

Henry Mintzberg

Work between sessions

1 - Leadership challenges

2 - Conversation with own manager

3 - Learning group

4 - Reconciliation with own employees

5 - Heart rate measurement

6 - Mobile learning

- Leadership is about setting direction and engaging others to join the journey.

Robert Marsalis
Leadership developer, FRONT Leadership

Our expectations of you

  • You take responsibility for being involved in the program
  • You prioritize attending the sessions
  • You set aside time to exercise leadership in your everyday management life
  • You complete the leadership challenges

The leadership development program at FRONT leadership helped me to combine leadership in a busy workday with a long-term and strategic perspective. This has made it easier to prioritize, so that I can develop and utilize the potential in both myself and my team.
Maria Korban | Acting Director of Communications and Marketing | PostNord 

Practical implementation:



A high-performing team performs best when the coach is on the sidelines to organize, facilitate, support and ensure good team interaction. Our leadership programs are designed to give you as a leader the overview and personal insight you need.

Front Wheel


Leadership training must be profitable for companies. FRONT Leadership has developed a particularly effective method for training leadership skills with measurable results.

layers 1


Our leadership programs are held during the working day and are designed to be integrated seamlessly. Networking and reflection are keys to success, and we tailor all our leadership training programs to the needs of the organisation.

Who we are


Leadership is a core activity in any organization of any size. Our ambition at FRONT Leadership is to be at the forefront to help you as a leader at the forefront.


FRONT Leadership is an independent advisor who enters the business as a neutral and professional guide. Our leadership developers provide creative and conceptual input, quality assurance of plans and/or implementation of plans.


The network group is for those who are responsible for organizational and leadership development in their own company. You believe that there are more effective ways to develop good leadership and you want to be at the forefront of this area.

Our open programs

Experienced manager

The program is for those who have been a manager with HR responsibilities for a few years and want to challenge yourself in your leadership role.

Ny som leder

This is the program for you if this is your very first management job with personnel responsibility. You have a desire to become a great leader who sees, hears and recognizes your employees.

Leders leder

This is the program for you as a leader of leaders. You are keen to lead by example and are curious about what it means to lead leaders.


The program for those who are new to the role of manager. The program gives you a clear understanding of what is expected and what will be your most important priorities in the first months in your new role.

Contact us for more information